Empower &

Empowering individuals, strengthening communities through innovation

Case Management

Streamline your workflow with our case management assistant

Assessment Solutions

Empower yourself with the insights you need for effective care


Healing through conversation.
Our platform provides a safe, convenient, and confidential space to discuss your concerns, set goals, and work towards positive change. With 24/7 access to a AI companions, you can get the support you need whenever and wherever it's most convenient for you.

Case Management

Case management made efficient.
Our tool automates repetitive tasks and provides customizable workflows to fit your unique needs, freeing up your time to focus on what matters most: your clients. With our case management tool, you can enhance your productivity, improve your outcomes, and make a real difference in the lives of those you serve.


Unleash your potential with our assessment solutions.
Make client assessment simple and effective with our assessment tool. Our powerful solutions are designed to help you onboard new clients quickly and accurately, while also diagnosing any potential issues or challenges. Our user-friendly interface guides you through the assessment process, collecting the necessary data to develop a comprehensive understanding of your client's needs and goals.

Welcome to TherapyChat.ai

Optimizing Provider Workflow and Patient Care

TherapyChat.ai is dedicated to simplifying mental health assessments for providers, helping them efficiently manage their workflows while improving patient care. With AI-assisted assessment tools, providers can quickly gather essential patient information, identify areas requiring attention, and develop targeted treatment plans, resulting in better outcomes for patients and increased efficiency for providers.

TherapyChat.ai is a cutting-edge platform designed to support mental health providers in delivering the best possible care to their patients

  • Our Mission

    Our mission is to transform the mental health industry through innovative technology that makes care more accessible, efficient, and effective.

  • Our Story

    Our journey began with a mission to leverage the power of artificial intelligence to help mental health providers deliver better care to their patients.



Mental Illness Cases



Mental Health Providers



Provider Turnover Rate



Shortage in Providers

Our goal is to improve the workload of mental health providers

We're here to help lighten the workload for mental health providers and improve their overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Comments from Mental Health Providers

What They’re Talking About

Discover the valuable insights shared by experienced mental health professionals and how our tools and solutions can enhance their workflow and well-being.

National Association of Social Workers
World Health Organization
National Institute of Mental Health
Mental Health America
American Psychological Association
National Alliance on Mental Illness
International Association for Suicide Prevention
Global Mental Health Peer Network
California Mental Health Services Authority
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration